جعفر عبد الكريم صالح

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

حركة جعفر الخابوري الا سلا ميه

    مجلة مدينة حمد

    جعفر الخابوري
    جعفر الخابوري
    مراقب عام
    مراقب عام

    عدد المساهمات : 475
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/10/2009
    العمر : 54

    مجلة مدينة حمد Empty مجلة مدينة حمد

    مُساهمة  جعفر الخابوري الثلاثاء ديسمبر 08, 2009 8:56 pm

    God said "O you who believe alcohol and gambling, idols and divining arrows are an abomination of Satan, avoid it, that ye may prosper but the devil wants to sign you, hostility and hatred in alcohol and gambling and hinder you from remembrance of Allah and from prayer: Will ye not then abstain has forbidden the Almighty in this verse about alcohol and warned of The Prophet said "Avoid alcohol, it is the mother is not shunned evil has disobeyed Allaah and His Messenger, and deserved punishment disobeying Allaah and His Messenger, Allah says those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will enter eternal fire which has a humiliating torment and Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him down to the prohibition of alcohol, some companions walked to the Some say alcohol was forbidden and made just for the trap and went to Abdullah bin Amr that alcohol is a major sin is no doubt cursed the mother of all evils is the one who drinks in the interview was narrated that Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of God "Every intoxicant is wine and all wine is forbidden to drink alcohol in the world and died without repent of them, a Mdmnha not drink in the Hereafter "Narrated by Muslim and Muslim narrated from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allaah, vowed to God that those who drink schnapps watering God Maajah Tine said, O Messenger of Allah, and Tine Maajah said race or people of Hell-fire and in juice of the people correct that the Messenger of Allah said to drink alcohol in the world to deprive them in the Hereafter stated that alcoholic Kaaabd Fetish Narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah said alcoholic Kaaabd Fetish stated that if he died a drunkard did not repent will not enter Paradise Women's narrated from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said not enter Paradise nor hampered by an alcoholic and has three novel Allaah has forbidden Paradise alcoholic and disobeys his parents and a cuckold, which recognizes the evil of his family stated that the drunken Allah does not accept it well Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah that the Messenger Three God does not accept them and pray for them a good lift to the sky the runaway slave until he returns to his freed slaves and put in their hands and women disaffected by her husband to satisfy her drunk and wakes up to wine and what befogs any reason, whether covered in wet or Oomokola pineapple or a drink and Abu Sa'eed al - Khudri said: The Messenger of Allaah, Allaah does not accept a wine-drinker prayer as long as any of them in the body in the novel of drinking did God not accept anything from them, and sugar did not accept his prayers for forty days to repent, then returned was really God that watering limits of hell, "said Messenger of God did not drink alcohol intoxicated present with him for forty days and drinking wine and sugar did not accept being pleased with them not just for forty days he died, the dead Kaaabd idol and he was really on God to give it water from the mud Maajah said, O Messenger of Allah, and Tine said Maajah juice of the people fire pus and blood, "said Abdullah bin Abi fuller died addicted to alcohol died Kaaabd Lat and Uzza was addicted to alcohol what do you think is the one who does not wake up from" I do not drink, but drink it if that is found, even after years said that drinking alcohol is not a believer when he is drinking from Abu Hurayrah Do not steal from the Prophet, while the thief steals is a believer does not commit adultery while adulterer is a believer and do not drink alcohol when he is drinking is a believer, and repentance is displayed after Al-Bukhari narrated in the hadeeth of committed adultery or drinking alcohol on him to belief in God as He takes off his shirt of his rights and where to drink alcohol Mmsia become a polytheist and becoming the drink has become a polytheist and the Prophet, he said that the smell of paradise to be found from a distance of five hundred years and can not find the fragrance does not hampered Mannan not addicted to alcohol or worships idols, and Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of God will not enter Paradise alcoholic nor a believer in the magic of severs ties of kinship and drink alcohol, he died God gave him to drink from the river water Ghouta a chicken being prostitutes any adulterous hurts the people of Hell Wind vaginally and "The Messenger of God sent God's mercy and guidance to the worlds Omhak sent me to musical instruments, flutes and is ignorance, and I swear by Almighty God in His Might do not drink Abdel Obeidi of the dose of alcohol but of Sagith like hell and let her close friend of Abdul-Obeidi of Mkhafti only Sagith them in pens with the good of Jerusalem Alndme said of the curse in the wine Abu Dawood narrated that the Messenger of Allah said the curse of alcohol-specific and mustache and legs, the seller, and the one to Mptalla whom it is squeezed and squeezed, and carries it consumes its price was also narrated by Imam Ahmad from Ibn Abbas said: I heard Allah's Apostle came to me and say peace be upon him, said Gabriel Mohammed, Allah has cursed the wine and the one to whom it is squeezed and the seller, and Mptalla mustache and consumes its price and the holder and carries it and her legs and Mstekayaa clinic said the prohibition on drinking alcohol when they fall ill, as well as do not deliver them from Abdullah ibn Amr may Allah be pleased with him not accustomed to drink wine when they fall ill, said Al-Bukhari and Ibn Omar does not drink alcohol received on the "I do not drink alcohol or Tjalsoa patients not accustomed to see by Jnaizhm The wine-drinker comes the Day of Resurrection Mudalla darkens the face of the tongue on his chest Driveling Iqdhirh both saw and knew that a drinker but said some of the scholars forbade Aiadthm and peace upon them because the wine-drinker punk may damned curse of Allah and His Messenger, as provided in the words of God curse the one who drinks alcohol, and bought the modern age was cursed twice and the other Sagaha was cursed Hence three times forbade his clinic and peace be upon him unless he repents, it is he repents Allaah be upon him said that alcohol is not permissible to administer from Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her daughter complained to me in the cone Venbzt entered the Messenger of Allah said, seething What is this Umm Salamah stated I have my daughter Oada the Messenger of God that God did not make my recovery with orders not to mention sporadic conversations recounted in the wine was what was mentioned by Abu Naim in styling from Abu Musa said, may Allah be pleased with him came to the Prophet wine in a jar and said him N_i_ this striking wall this drink does not believe in Allah and the Last Day, The Messenger of God was in the chest, a verse from the Book of God and pour wine with them comes the Day of Resurrection for each letter of that verse takes Bnasith be impeded even in the hands of the Almighty God's Holy Vijasamh is Khasamh discount Falwell is the Koran opponent Day of Resurrection and what came from the Prophet of people gathered on the intoxicant in the world except putting them in the fire of God is overpowering each other Itlamon says one of the other person you do not Dzak God meant that you are good Oordtni this resource and says to him like that and the other came from the Prophet he said to drink wine in the world God gave him to drink from the venom of Alosawdp drink falling flesh of his face in the pot before the drink If drinking loss of flesh and skin hurt by the people of Hell and not the one who drinks the one to whom it is squeezed and squeezed, and carries it consumes its price, and partners in the sin is not God accept their prayers and Suma and the pilgrimage to repent died before repenting was really God that each dose Isagehm Cherboha in the world of pus hell not every intoxicant is wine and all wine is haraam, and enter in the words "Every intoxicant is wine and hashish come speak for God Almighty narrated that drinking alcohol if they came on the path to the angels of punishment Itaktefhm River Maajah Visagon Cup Cherboha all of the wine drinking from the river Maajah Had the soup that the proceeds from the sky to burn the heavens of the heat we seek refuge in Allah from the effects of the said advances in wine Ibn Masood said, may Allah be pleased with him if he dies as a wine-drinker Vadvinoh then Aslboh on stage and then Anbcoa for the grave did not see his face Msruaa of Mecca and only Vatrkoh crucified and holy bin Ayaz he attended when his pupil was attended by death certificate and started to help him say the tongue spoken by Vkrrha said it does not say and I'm innocent of them went out of his own holy and then he saw him crying in his sleep after a period of it dragged it into the fire, said to him, poor knowledge of Bam stripped you, sir, said the bug I brought some of my doctors said to me, drink a cup in each year of the wine but do not keep your Altk so I drink it every year for medical treatments if those who drink it to cure, how If those who drink for other ask God to forgive and sound from all trials and were asked about the reason for his repentance repentant, he said you Exhume graves and saw the dead for those no longer kiss their families asked them and they said they were drinking wine in the world and died without repenting and some righteous to me a little boy died when he buried I saw him after his death in a dream was a young man I told my head and I have a small Dvintk and you Cepk what I said to my Daddy was buried next to me a man who had drunk alcohol in the world Vzfr hell for coming exhale all that remains only a young child, the head of the severity of Zfrha seek refuge in God and ask God to forgive and wellness, which requires torment in the Hereafter is obligatory for a person to repent to God before death overtakes a point on the case throws into the fire we seek refuge in Allah, the separation and hashish made from hemp paper is haraam malt limit also limits the one who drinks wine-drinker It is worse than alcohol to hand it corrupts mind and mood until it becomes most obvious in the man and makes him heedless and other insidious corruption and wine on the one hand they lead to adversarial and both fighters and prevents people from remembering God and prayer have stopped some of the scholars in arrears alone and felt that ate Fosters including without limitation where he thought she changed the mind of the non-Tarab is like anesthetic did not find the earlier scholars, not even eaten Enechun well as who drink alcohol and more so as not to give time and it keeps them from remembering Allaah and praying with a great deal of it if they included Aldeattp and loss of masculinity and the corruption of mind and mood, etc. However, as the rigid Mtaomp is not a conflict of scientists in the drink impure are three opinions in the madhhab of Imam Ahmad and others were told is unclean malt Alparwbp and this is the correct and was told not to stagnate and was a distinction between Jamayora and Maiaha Whatever the case, it is within the campus in Allah and His Messenger of alcohol intoxicants in wording and meaning of Abu Musa said, O Messenger of God tell us we are in Craben Nsnahma Yemen Alapta a honey discarded until it thickens and ale, a corn and barley discarded until it thickens, said the Messenger of Allah may give concise speech Boukoatmh said, "Every intoxicant is forbidden by Muslim, said" Whatever intoxicates in large quantities, did not differentiate between the type and the type for being Makola or drink that wine was synthesized by means of bread and the hashish had been dissolved with water and drink wine and drink and eat and drink and eat hashish, but he did not scientists because they were not at the time of the past, but advances occurred in the advent of the Tatars to the land of Islam has been said in describing poetry Vaklha and cultivator halal That the wretched Museibtan sure of what Farah Satan hashish such joy because of the precious garnish despicable Fasthloha Astrechsoua and those who eat less live in ignorance of hashish off the value of one's affiliations living essence of why my brother sold him ignorance Bhacish tale of Abdul Malik ibn Marwan that a young man came to him in tears and said: O sad, Commander of the Faithful, I committed a great sin Is I repent of your sin, He said, "What a great sin and what is said, repent to God, it accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, He said: O you faithful Exhume graves and you see where wonderful things he saw and said," O Commander of the Faithful dug graves for the night I saw the owner has been around True face of scared of it and you want to go out and if I say Bakail in the tomb do not question the Dead What about the face of the kiss I said about why he was told to pray Disregarding a penalty like this, then dug a grave and I saw another owner has been around a pig strain with chains and shackles in the neck scared him and you want to go out and tell me if Bakail not ask about his work and why I said why tortured, he said he drank wine in the world and died without repenting and third Mu'mineen dug graves and found the owner may lift the land of fire and Boothar out his tongue from the scruff of his neck feared and came back and wanted to get out Vnaudit not ask for case for why I said why plagued said he does not Ithrz of urine was transferred between people talk like this spot and fourth Mu'mineen dug graves and found the owner has been fueled fire scared him and wanted to get out and was told not to ask him what I said and the situation was unchanged, he said, leaving the prayer, O Prince of the fifth believers dug graves then I saw him for the dead has expanded the eye and the bright light and the dead asleep on a bed light and shone it good clothes Vokztni him prestige and wanted to get out and was told to me on the status of Hala ask why this Akram dignity to what I said Akram was said to me because he was obedient young man grew up in obedience Almighty God and worship at that Malik said that in this a lesson for Asin and obedient to the Gospel What the stricken Alamaaib this initiative to repentance and obedience to God made us and you from next to us obedient and immoral acts that Jawed Karim

    By Jaafar Abdul Karim Saleh

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة سبتمبر 20, 2024 7:21 pm